2013年4月21日 星期日

Taiwan Mother's Day History, Gift - Wei Taipei Guest - Taiwan Travel

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  
She never existed before.  
The woman existed, but the mother, never.  
A mother is something absolutely forever.

Mother's Day History

In Taiwan, Mother's Day is celebrated
 on thesecond Sunday of the month of May, coinciding with Buddha'sbirthday 
and the traditional ceremony of "washing theBuddha".
 In 1999 the Taiwanese government established 
the second Sunday of May as Buddha's birthday, 
so they would be celebrated in the same day.

Mother's Day Gift

Making extra speical gift for our mom, 
giving out something that is unexpectable.Taiwan Pineapple cake is your first choice.

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   - Sunnyhills(微笑山丘)

-Chia Te(佳德)

 -  Shou Xi Fon(手信坊)

